Saturday, May 10, 2014

April Review

I am a little late in showing you what I accomplished in April. But, here it is:
Canned bacon (36 pounds of Zaycon bacon in quart jars) and corned beef (9 quarts)

Dehydrated mushrooms & blueberries (got some more free ones from work), vacuum sealed these items.

Always more coffee to store
Added more chocolate &stored more eggs

Plus, I gave away several days of food to a local homeless shelter that takes care of and helps reestablish families in our community. I love that when there is a need, I just go “shopping” in my store!
You are able to find more details on any of these pictures by scrolling back through this months photos on my facebook page.
I am pretty amazed considering this month I injured my back, had to deal with the heart stuff again (currently wearing an event monitor) and spent three days in the hospital for a kidney infection and kidney stones. 
My May goals are Meat & BOB again. I am still working on getting my freezer completely empty of meat, that will take me awhile. Plus, we are still working on revamping our BOB's.
Actually we are revamping our supplies into "get home bags" and "bug out bags". 
Care to share what you have been doing?


  1. Cantaloupe is on sale for .77c each this week! Bought 8 of them, sliced with meat slicer put in to the dehydrator and storing up for long term stuff. I love shopping the sales trends. Also, strawberries have been on sale for .98c a pound so I canned 20 pounds of them.... Love to read your blog!

    1. Are you on facebook?
      I always appreciate you stopping by. You inspire me too. ~Perky Prepping Gramma~
