Monday, November 4, 2013

So, you are ready to start preparing for the "Cyber Canning Event"?

Starting the the last thing first, since the rest has already been discussed.
Last but not least, you need to have at least 8 lbs. of meat to can. I am going to recommend that you buy boneless, skinless chicken breasts for you first canning project. It is just simpler and less work to prepare them for canning.

"Pressure canning is way easier than making an origami elephant" ~Perky~

Let's get our equipment purchased & prepared for the “Cyber Canning Event”.
First you need to purchase (or have on hand) the following items listed below. We want to go ahead and purchase these as soon as possible. That way if you order something online it will arrive in time for the event; or if you have trouble finding something like the canning jars, you have time to search. There are links through out this article of where to purchase.
1. Pressure CANNER <<< (link to buy a pressure canner. Not a pressure cooker or water bath canner) This is currently the best buy, IF it will fit on your stove.
IMPORTANT TIP: When you are getting ready to purchase your canner, measure your stove CAREFULLY. You want to insure that the entire canner will fit on your stove & not hit any appliance that may be OVER the top of your stove. I would purchase the largest size, that will fit on your stove.
If you need a smaller (16 qrt. canner), you'd honestly get a better price at Walmart.
2. Canning tools <<< (link)
3. A least one case of canning jars. I recommend that you purchase wide mouth, pints sized canning jars.
I recommend that you first try to find the canning jars at a local grocery store. You can also order online and pick up from your local Ace hardware. Then last, but not, least you can order them from Amazon
This link is for regular mouth jars.
4. You will also need to have various items like dish towels, paper towels, vinegar, a timer (one on the stove or microwave will do).

Disclaimer: The links to Amazon, are to my personal Amazon Store. I do receive a small commission, if you purchase through my store. BUT there is no additional cost to you. I only recommend items that I use, have purchased & usually include free shipping (for the standard purchase). I do not receive any commission from other stores. 
Perky Prepping Gramma's Store

Here are some additional articles to read over for preparation for the event.
Attitude, altitude, aptitude... (this links to another person blog)


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